
Get assistance to implement asset management in your organisation.

Utilco supports you all the way


Asset management creates the strategic alignment from the company's strategy to the daily activities and decisions that are made in an asset-intensive organization.

In order to create coherence across the strategic, tactical and operational levels of an organisation, you should prepare an asset management policy. It must be supported by a strategic asset management plan (SAMP), asset management goals and concrete asset management plans.

Ultico can assist with:

Asset management maturity assessment

Analysis of your organization's maturity in relation to "best practice" in asset management. Ultilco supplements the analysis with a concrete action plan to get started or continue with asset management.

Strategy development

Prepare company strategies and unfold them in asset management policy, asset management goals and a coherent strategic asset management plan (SAMP) including total economic calculations and life cycle analyzes (LCA), scenario analyzes and risk-based investment optimization.

Asset management plans

Prepare concrete asset management plans in accordance with the strategic asset management plan.


Asset management is driven by the employees, the processes and culture that bind the organization together.

In order to create value with a management system, it is crucial that it is fully integrated into the employees' everyday life and is supported by the company's culture.

DS/ISO 55001 Asset Management specifies structured and coordinated processes that support an effective asset management system.

Ultico can assist with:

The management system

Build a certifiable management system together with the the organization.

Roles & responsibilities

Build the asset management organization and define of roles and responsibilities.


Change management

Anchor the new management system and processes in your organization.

SYSTEMs & Tools

Good decisions are supported by data and information about your  assets, and here both systems and tools are needed.

We are moving in the direction of decisions being made on the basis of facts and can be shared by many rather than individual assessments shared by the few. At the same time, advanced technologies are gaining ground in machine learning and artificial intelligence, which are becoming commonplace. New technologies should be included in an overall system landscape, and a decision-making framework should be defined. Central to this decision-making framework is risk management, that links asset condition with your service goals.

Utilco can assist with:

Risk management

Intoduction of  new risk management processes and tools as well as defining your Risk & Value Framework


Develop a strategy for digitization and a roadmap that supports your digital asset management ambitions.

Decision support tools

Specify requirements for- and implementation of digital decision support tools.